Lian Duan, born in Yueyang, Hunan, China, discovered his passion for art from an early age, delving into the world of fine arts since the fourth grade. Later, during high school, he immigrated to Albany, New York, USA. There, he pursued formal training in fine arts, setting the stage for his journey into the realm of design.

His academic pursuits led him to explore the field of design during his university years. He obtained an Associate's degree in Digital Media and a Bachelor's degree in Graphic Design. With a strong focus on branding identity design, printing design, typography, and web development, Lian has honed his skills and expertise in various aspects of design.

Beyond his academic and professional endeavors, Lian finds joy in sketching and creating illustrations, further enriching his artistic expression. Currently, he is gearing up to embark on a new chapter in his educational journey, preparing to pursue a Master's degree in Information Design and Technology, aiming to expand his knowledge and skills in the field.